
Through the Lens Sports Media  is international in scope but local in focus. We have traveled the world, having photographed in 35 countries, but we focus on sports and adventure competitions in central Texas. We provide a different type of sports coverage, by providing more extensive content and covering events not usually seen. 

We are the largest provider of media content of central Texas professional and  collegiate sports.  Annually we cover greater than 150 events for our clients

Our Clients

We work for the Teams.  We develop compelling and differentiated  content about the Teams to optimize the fan experience.  We touch the fans using traditional news outlets, web sites, social media, and targeted marketing campaigns.  Here are some of the organizations that use our content and messaging.  


Media Manager, Professional Baseball

“I had been in the job for three years and wanted something different. TTL Sports brought me their ideas and it was exactly what we need: excite our fans when they check their phones and get them to the ball park. TTL Sports took it to a new level.”

Lead Sports Columnist, Major Daily Newspaper

“We literally have dozens of individuals creating content for the newspaper. The others were stuck in a rut, giving us more of the same. None of it came close to what we’ve received TTL Sports Media. They gave us different perspectives and views that the reader doesn’t usually see. When in doubt, go with team TTL Sports.”

President, Youth Athletic Organization

“We have been operating for more than 40 years and have greater than 8000 athletes participating in our programs. TTL Sports gave us a massive amount of material that captures what we want our kids to be: good quality individuals that compete to their best abilities."   

Director of Media, Professional Hockey  

“Coverage of Calder Cup Championship was the finest we’ve seen all season. The different looks, angles, focus, unique perspectives and big moments allowed our fans to really experience the event on line. The league loved what you did.”

Manager of Social Media, Professional Basketball

“I couldn’t do my job without TTL Sports. Our fans want more than short twitter updates on the game. They want images of the game with embedded updates in realtime. TTL Sports gave us that content, and more.”

Vice President Communications, Professional Baseball

“TTL Sports was a godsend. We are on very tight budgets and there is no margin for error. TTL Sport far exceed our expectations and provided us a huge value.”

Sports Information Director, Major Public University 

“The content we got from TTL Sports Media was so more comprehensive than any other source we’ve used in the past. It presented our athletes at their best. Allowing us to make maximum use of the content via our social media outlets.”

Assistant Sports Information Director, Major Public University 

“TTL Sports content was crisp, sharp and focused, allowing us to present the exact message to maximize impact on our alumni.”

Special Projects Associate,  Professional Basketball

 I really just want to say, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything. It’s not often that you find someone who is so kind, helpful, good at their job AND invested in your well-being. 

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